How To Accomplish The Goals You Set! | Episode 21
Sep 18, 2023
What would you say is harder for you - setting goals, or executing those goals consistently?
99% of the agents I’ve coached over the years would agree that execution is the tough part! There are so many things that get in the way of executing on goals without being distracted or overwhelmed, and this is something I’ve been working towards mastering for a long time.
In this episode I’m sharing the following:
- Why SMART goals may not empower you - and ways to approach goal setting that are more aligned with how you’re wired
- Ways to give yourself permission to set goals that work for you, excite you, and move you towards what you truly care about (as opposed to what sounds good and what everyone else is doing/saying)
- The tool I use to set and track my goals - starting from big picture (years out) all the way down to day to day actions
- How I use that tool to track my progress, pivot as necessary, evaluate my progress, and ensure I’m living my life by my design instead of someone else’s design… or a design I’ve outgrown
Let’s get executing! Tune in and let me know what you take away from this one. I’d love your feedback!
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